“Often times we avoid breathing into the areas of pain or trauma when those are the areas of our body that need us the most. Our body knows what to do and how to heal and my treatments help facilitate this process.” - Jacqueline Leavitt
TRAUMA & Healing Emotional/Physical Pain
Our bodies hold the physical memory of all of our experiences. We initially store these memories in our brains but overtime those memories fade, change and become stored in the body in the form of physical sensations or behavior patterns. When we experience physical, emotional or environmental trauma it sometimes gets held in the body’s tissues. The body holds onto these memories and at times creates unhealthy patterns and imbalances that can lead to chronic pain and dis-ease. The body has an innate wisdom and is always seeking equilibrium (homeostasis). Jacqueline’s integrative approach allows her to locate these restrictions, free them up and help to create balance.
As a trained doula, Jacqueline is passionate about helping mothers and babies. Pregnancy and birth can be one of the most beautiful experiences in a woman’s life and yet, extremely demanding on the body as we naturally have to accommodate for new growth during pregnancy causing posture changes, and a shift in our center of gravity. These changes can create tensions, therefore causing a variety of unpleasant experiences such as acid reflux, shortness of breath, low back pain, joint pain, pubic bone pain, or stretching pains in the belly. While working together with Jacqueline during this incredible transition in your life, you can create more physical and emotional space in your body, mind and spirit and experience a healthier and easier pregnancy and delivery.
Conception is truly a miracle of life and can be a mystery in many ways. If you preparing your body to conceive, or experiencing challenges due to hormone imbalance, uterus lining, previous surgeries, blocked fallopian tube or emotional fears of actually bringing a baby into this world, Jacqueline understands and can support you during this very tender time. Through the use of various techniques she is able to find physical blockages i.e. blocked fallopian tube, a tightness around the uterus, imbalances in your hormones or many other possible factors limiting your body’s ability to get pregnant. Read more here.
Regardless of how smooth or challenging pregnancy and delivery is, it inevitably takes a toll on our bodies. The brief follow-up visits seem highly insufficient as comprehensive postpartum care. Jacqueline is able to help you, the new mom, just as much as your newborn. Culturally, we have come to accept the focus should be mainly on the baby. However, she believes postpartum treatment is more than just a luxury. Whether it’s simply helping to return safely to daily function after a fairly smooth birth process or addressing any variation of complications with delivery/pregnancy, working together you can create a more harmonious environment. A happy mom is a happier baby.